giovedì 3 ottobre 2013

Saudi Fashion

This morning I meet a famous Designer of Abayas,  I try everything she made!!

Here some pict!

Gruppo di abaya fashioniste!

I think I will invite her to our compond to have an exposition of her creation!!

Ok...I know that they are abayas.. but you have to understand me... it is the only thing that I can wear her..I want it BEAUTIFUL :)

15 commenti

  1. Sembrano interessanti queste creazioni.... bella la foto di gruppo!!!
    ;))) Kissssss

    1. hiihihihi non ho chiesto i diritti d'autore per i loro visi ;)

  2. You are totally right hun, these abayas are so beautifully designed and I like the modern details like chains and studs and prints added to it. If you're wearing them all the time, it does become very much of a fashion statement in its own unique way. Always glad to see you stop by...Happy End Of The Week!

    1. Yes, I 'm still looking for one very special!! i have time to find it ;)

  3. a beautiful collection!!!
    happy weekend!


  4. Ho appena visto al TG3 scene terrificanti relative alle violenze esercitate sulle donne quando salgono su macchine non appartenenti a membri della loro famiglia. Con la pelle d'oca ti scrivo, mi sei venuta in mente ...
    Un abbraccio forte,

    1. Grazie..ho visto anche io...era in Sudan ma immagino che succeda anche qui,.... un bacio


© Abaya and Heels
Maira Gall